Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

Dear Colleagues and Stakeholders,

The OYAK Mining Metallurgy Code of Ethics and Business Conduct together with Anti-Corruption Policy attest to our ethical values, responsibilities, expectations, and execution standards integral to our business relationships and activities.

The OYAK Mining Metallurgy Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy serve as a guidance for all of our decisions and business activities towards sustaining the high reputation of our group, which is one of the leading corporations of the industry.

The OYAK Mining Metallurgy Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy are the fundamental for sustainable success. I believe all my colleagues and our stakeholders will embrace these rules and responsibilities and make the best out of their duties.

Kind Regards,


Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

The OYAK Mining Metallurgy ethical reporting line SpeakHub, serves as a channel for employees and all stakeholders to submit reports either named or anonymously, and it is managed by an independent firm. The identities of those who report are kept confidential, and the issues raised are examined within the framework of confidentiality rules. For questions and notifications, you can use below mentioned communication channels.

  • Call Center (7/24): +90 212 924 7865
  • E-mail:
  • Web Form: (Username: Erdemir and Password: Erdemir22)
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